Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Faith in the Lords Timing

1.“Patience is tied very closely to faith in our Heavenly Father. Actually, when we are unduly impatient, we are suggesting that we know what is best—better than does God. Or, at least, we are asserting that our timetable is better than His. We can grow in faith only if we are willing to wait patiently for God's purposes and patterns to unfold in our lives, on His timetable.”
By Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "Patience", Ensign Oct. 1980

2.“Amidst the confusion of the times, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives.”
President Thomas S. Monson, “Guideposts for Life’s Journey” (Brigham Young University devotional address, Nov. 13, 2007), 3,

3.“Your life is carefully watched over, as was mine. The Lord knows both what He will need you to do and what you will need to know. He is kind and He is all-knowing. So you can with confidence expect that He has prepared opportunities for you to learn in preparation for the service you will give. You will not recognize those opportunities perfectly, as I did not. But when you put the spiritual things first in your life, you will be blessed to feel directed toward certain learning, and you will be motivated to work harder. You will recognize later that your power to serve was increased, and you will be grateful.”
― President Henry B. Eyring, “Education for Real Life,” Ensign, Oct. 2002, 14

4.“Throughout scripture we encounter the need for us to remember that the Lord has His own timetable for unfolding things; it will not always accord with our schedules or our wants. When, in our extremities, we urgently call for a divine response, there may be, instead, a divine delay. This is not because God, at the moment, is inattentive or loves us less than perfectly. Rather, it is because we are being asked, at the moment, to endure more for the welfare of our souls. The blessed meek understand that God loves them even when they may not be able to explain the meaning of what is happening [or not happening] to them or around them.” —Elder Neal A. Maxwell (Meek and Lowly, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1987, page 89).

5."The exercise of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is always subject to the order of heaven, to the goodness and will and wisdom and timing of the Lord. That is why we cannot have true faith in the Lord without also having complete trust in the Lord’s will and in the Lord’s timing". -Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”, Ensign April 1994

6."If a man exercises great faith in his prayers and fasts as needed, his loving, all-knowing Father will provide him with that which he righteously desires. Pray, believing you will have your righteous desires, and they will, in the Lord’s time, be given to you". - Elder Gene R. Cook, "Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ" Liahona April 1983

7."Obedience to His teachings provides a sure foundation upon which to build. That takes effort. There is no guarantee of overnight results, but there is absolute assurance that, in the Lord’s time, solutions will come, peace will prevail, and emptiness will be filled."
- Elder Richard G. Scott, "Trust in the Lord" Ensign October 1995

8."Faith also includes trust in God’s timing, for He has said, 'All things must come to pass in their time.'(D&C 64:32.) Ironically, some who acknowledge God are tried by His timing, globally and personally!"
Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "Lest Ye Be Wearied and Fain in Your Minds", Ensign April 1991

9."Remember that when your prayers do not seem to be answered in the way or at the time you desire. The exercise of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is always subject to the order of heaven, to the goodness and will and wisdom and timing of the Lord. When we have that kind of faith and trust in the Lord, we have true security and serenity in our lives."-Elder Dallin H. Oakes, "The Atonement and Faith", Ensign April 2010

10."We may not know when or how the Lord’s answers will be given, but in His time and His way, I testify, His answers will come." -Elder Robert D. Hales, "Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done", Ensign Oct. 2011

Capstone Position Statement:

One of the many difficulties for me has been faith in the Lord’s timing.  He and I don’t always see timing in the same way, and it’s very hard for me to be patient and wait.  Over the years I have learned how little control I have over most things.  Everything is so intricately entwined that timing is everything in all things, and most of the time we don’t understand why.
I have also learned over the years that my very wise Heavenly Father knows best, I must trust in his timing and not be in such a hurry.  I cannot see the whole picture but only a small part, he can see the whole picture and knows what is best.  I must be obedient and submit myself to his will and his timing, I do trust him completely, but I am still working on the timing part with him. Although I am much improved, I still will be working on this challenge.  I am not sure I will ever perfect it, but as long as I am trying, then that's what counts.

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