Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sabbath Day

1.“Honor your mother and father, keep the Sabbath day holy, do not take the Lord’s name in vain, honor womanhood, be chaste, do not lie or steal, live the Word of Wisdom, and pay an honest tithing and a generous fast offering. If you keep these commandments and others, you will be richly blessed.”
Elder Robert D. Hales “If Thou Wilt Enter into Life, Keep the Commandments” Apr. 1996 General Conference

2.“This we do by our obedience to the commandments of God. Thus, the laws of obedience and sacrifice are indelibly intertwined. Consider the commandments to obey the Word of Wisdom, to keep the Sabbath day holy, to pay an honest tithe. As we comply with these and other commandments, something wonderful happens to us. We become disciplined! We become disciples! We become more sacred and holy—like our Lord!”
Elder Russell M. Nelson “Lessons from Eve” Oct. 1987 General Conference

3.{No matter where we live or in what position we serve, all of us need to determine which way we face. God’s commandments serve as a standard against which priorities can be measured. Our respect for the first commandment fashions our feelings for all the others. Consider the commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy, for example. We live in a time when many people throughout the world have transferred their allegiance on the Sabbath from places of worship to places of amusement. Again I ask, “Which way do you face?” }

Elder Russell M. Nelson "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods"  Apr. 1996 General Conference

4.“This Sabbath day has been designated as a day of thanksgiving, a day of gratitude—even a day of prayer. We pause, we ponder, we reflect on the blessings an all-wise Heavenly Father has bestowed upon us, His children, by bringing peace to the battlefield of war and comfort to the hearts of so many in this wonderful world where we live and which we call home.”

President Thomas S. Monson
“Never Alone” Apr. 1991 General Conference

5. { Teachers who are commanded to teach “the principles of [the] gospel” and “the doctrine of the kingdom” (D&C 88:77) should generally forgo teaching specific rules or applications. For example, they would not teach any rules for determining what is a full tithing, and they would not provide a list of dos and don’ts for keeping the Sabbath day holy. Once a teacher has taught the doctrine and the associated principles from the scriptures and the living prophets, such specific applications or rules are generally the responsibility of individuals and families.}
Elder Dallin H. Oaks  "Gospel Teaching"  Oct. 1999 General Conference

6.{ As bearers of the Aaronic Priesthood, you must learn to obey the Lord’s commandments. Honor your mother and father, keep the Sabbath day holy, do not take the Lord’s name in vain, honor womanhood, be chaste, do not lie or steal, live the Word of Wisdom, and pay an honest tithing and a generous fast offering. If you keep these commandments and others, you will be richly blessed.}

Elder Robert D. Hales  "If Thou Wilt Enter into Life, Keep the Commandments"
Apr. 1996 General Conference

7.{Being worthy of temple ordinances means that you will choose to do what many in the world are not willing to do. You will keep the Sabbath day holy, exercise faith through the payment of  tithing and fast offerings, consistently participate in Church worship, give service, and show love and appreciation for your family by helping each member of it. After you have received all of the temple ordinances, you will continue to grow by keeping the covenants made and faithfully “endur[ing] to the end.”}

Elder Richard G. Scott  "Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer"  April 1997 General Conference 

8."This we do by our obedience to the commandments of God. Thus, the laws of obedience and sacrifice are indelibly intertwined. Consider the commandments to obey the Word of Wisdom, to keep the Sabbath day holy, to pay an honest tithe. As we comply with these and other commandments, something wonderful happens to us. We become disciplined! We become disciples! We become more sacred and holy—like our Lord!"

Elder Russell M. Nelson  "Lessons from Eve"  Oct. 1987 General Conference

9."The need to keep our personal temple clean in order to have the companionship and guidance of the Holy Ghost explains the importance of the commandment to partake of the sacrament on the Sabbath."

Elder Dallin H. Oakes “Always Have His Spirit” Oct. 1996 General Conference

10. "We also invite the ongoing companionship of the Holy Ghost as we worthily partake of the sacrament each Sabbath day: “And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day” (D&C 59:9.}

Elder David A. Bednar  "That We May Always Have His Spirit to Be With Us"  Apr. 2006 General Conference

Capstone Position Statement:

As a young child I knew the Sabbath Day was a special day, but it wasn't until I was older that I really realized the importance of the Sabbath and why we need to honor it and keep it holy. As a young adult, I was not very good at observing the Sabbath, as I have grown older, this has become an important principle to me, and one that my family and I have made sure we keep.

Many people consider Sunday just another day; they don't understand the importance of having a day of rest and to focus our attention on our Heavenly Father and Savior, as well as to partake of the sacrament ordinance. Keeping the Sabbath Day as a holy day is also a commandment.

We as a family work very hard to keep the Sabbath Day a special day.  Sometimes family who are not members ask us to go and do things with them on Sunday, but we kindly tell them that we are keeping the Sabbath Day holy and that maybe another day will work.  It’s hard for them to understand, but we know if we do this simple thing of keeping the Sabbath Day, that we will be blessed for it. 

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