Wednesday, June 26, 2013


1.“I have felt in powerful ways the prayers and the faith of people only as someone called to serve through the keys of the priesthood.”
Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency
Conference Report/ Ensign
April 2008

2."Satan will always work on the saints of God to undermine their faith in priesthood keys. One way he does it is to point out the humanity of those who hold them. He can in that way weaken our testimony and so cut us loose from the line of keys by which the Lord ties to Him and can take us and our families home to Him and to our Heavenly Father. …If we look for human frailty in humans, we will always find it."
Henry B. Eyring  "Faith and Keys"  Oct. 2004 General Conference

3.“I pray that as you ponder the many titles of a worthy priesthood holder, you will discover a divine wind at your back, lifting you ever upward toward the great inheritance your Heavenly Father has reserved for you.”   
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Conference Report/Ensign
April 2013

4."The priesthood holds consummate power.  It can protect you from the plague of pornography-and it is a plague-if you are succumbing to its influence.  If one is obedient, the priesthood can show how to break a habit and even erase an addiction.  Holders of the priesthood have that authority and should employ it to combat evil influences".  Elder Boyd K. Packer, "Cleansing the Inner Vessel", October 2010 General Conference.

5."The power of the priesthood is a sacred and essential gift of God.  It is different from priesthood authority, which is the authorization to act in God's name.  The authorization or ordination is given by the laying on of hands.  The power of the priesthood comes only when those who exercise it are worthy and acting in accordance with God's will.  As President Spencer W. Kimball declared, "The Lord has given to all of us, as holders of the priesthood, certain of his authority, but we can only tap the power of heaven on the basis of our person righteousness" ("Boys Need Heroes Close By, "Ensign, May 1976, 45) (Elder M. Russell Ballard, "This is My Work and My Glory", April 2013 General Conference)

6."The priesthood represents a mighty army of righteousness-even a royal army.  We are led by a prophet of God.  In supreme command is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Our marching orders are clear.  They are concise."  (Elder Thomas S. Monson, "The Army of the Lord", April 1979 General Conference.

7."Brethren, it is an honor to be with the holders of the royal priesthood of God. We are living in the last days, in “perilous times.” As bearers of the priesthood, we have the responsibility to stand strong with a shield of faith against the fiery darts of the adversary. We are role models to the world, protecting God-given, inalienable rights and freedoms. We stand in defense of our homes and our families."(Elder Robert D. Hales, "Stand Strong in Holy Places," April 2013 General Conference).

8."Let us always remember that one of the reasons God has entrusted the priesthood to us is to help prepare us for eternal blessings by refining our natures through the patience which priesthood service requires." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Continue in Patience", April 2010 General Conference

9."Just as a woman cannot conceive a child without a man, so a man cannot fully exercise the power of the priesthood to establish an eternal family without a woman. In other words, in the eternal perspective, both the procreative power and the priesthood power are shared by husband and wife."
Elder M. Russell Ballard, "This Is My Work and Glory", Ensign April 2013

10."The priesthood is the authority to act in the name of God. That authority is essential to the fulfillment of His work on earth. The priesthood we hold is a delegated portion of the eternal authority of God. As we are true and faithful, our ordination to the priesthood will be eternal."
-Elder Richard G. Scott, "Honor the Priesthood and Use It Well", October 2008 General Conference

Capstone Position Statement:

I know the Priesthood to be real and that it works through the power of God through those worthy to hold it.
I have seen what the priesthood is able to do; I know it helped save my daughter’s life after she was born. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father to allow such a wonderful thing to be here on the earth.
I am determined that my four boys understand the importance of the priesthood and the great responsibility that they are given to honor it and use it as they should.
I am grateful for a wonderful husband that honors and uses his priesthood, as well as understands the importance of it.  I am also grateful to be able to share this priesthood power with him and to know that it is there for me.
As a family we will continue to work together, to live the way we need to so that we may continue to have the priesthood in our home.  My husband and I continue to teach our children about the priesthood and its importance, so that someday, they can be the worthy priesthood holder in their homes, the one that their families rely on for blessings and for help and strength.

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